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Nasule, cand incep jignirile si atcul la persoana asta e saracie de limbaj,minte scurta si frica ,mai ales frica.Sunt foarte curioasa sa vad daca se mai gasesc persoane care sa-i voteze!!!!
Doresc sa stiu cum se numeste carte de specialitate ,cercetare stintifica, la care s-a facut referire in emisiune. Sunt student la istorie si ma intereseaza. Multumesc.
Nu mai puneti traducatorul sa vorbeasca in acelasi timp cu cel care vorbeste engleza ca nu putem auzi clar nici vocea in romana nici vocea in engleza. Incercati sa sutitrati, ca altfel este un amestec de voci romano-engleze, foarte greu de urmarit, Ma doare capul!
We calculated the estimate information about the website Nasul.tv. According to our sources, the alexa rank of the site Nasul.tv is 128817 which is a six(6) months trend according to alexa (a web info based company). If we see the Google PR (page rank) of Nasul.tv then it has been found out as : 4. This page rank means the importance of this website according to Google. Page rank is always from 0-10 points. So the site Nasul.tv still stands in millions of other sites. The resources of the site Nasul.tv, eg server, isp, organization, location etc is located in the city of Moscow, which is a city of the country: Russian Federation. And the country code of Russian Federation is officialy said as: RU. The company providing the resources to Nasul.tv, and managing server setups, and working as isp(internet service provider) of Nasul.tv is DIMEDIA LLC The unique ip address which is currently being used by Nasul.tv is Other hosting related information, whois info, related domains, related websites, and graphs are located below.
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