1. Mr. Biden,

    It seems like the “mighty American democracy” continues its road to hell!
    Statistics show that you have a deficit of the USA budget of about 70.000 BILLION DOLLARS! About 4 times what American people can annualy produce; is that correct?
    Some good years ago Mr. Bin Laden was one of the most favorites of CIA and therefore, on e of the favorite MAN of the “Oval Office” from White House!; in the world…
    And you continue to do mistake after mistake in talking with a foreign “premier” FORECED probably by you guys in becoming a “new Romanian premier”!? ; why?

    You have never heard about Ponta’s background?; that has fabricated for himself a “doctorate” in Romania and a “master degree” in Italy?

    You have never heard that based on his “professor’s command” – the BIGGEST Romanian bandit ever seen, disguised as a “premier” like Ponta, Mr. Adrian Nastase – Ponta committed a murder against one of his colleagues, the prosecutor Cristian Panait in 2001!; and that Mr. Panait “has been waiting” for Ponta – under ground; God bless him – for further explanations ?

    By inviting this impostor, or by accepting this impostor for a visit in USA the Romanian people has become doubtful in your honesty and trust!?

    Please kindly explain to Romanian people why did you talk with such non character man ready to execute anything, only to remain in power as long as he was the principal artisan and maker of the 2012 year’s overthrown of Romanian democracy? And that together with his temporary “friend” Mr. Antonescu!?

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