
Scandalul din Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii s-ar putea reflecta în raportul MCV, care urmează să fie prezentat până la sfârșitul lui ianuarie. Asta susține purtătorul de cuvânt al Comisiei Europene, Mark Gray, care a a adăugat că și metoda de numire a procurorului șef și a șefului DNA va fi menționată în raport.
„Suntem la curent cu problema de la CSM, dar nu pot comenta asupra unor subiecte punctuale. Cred că e de aşteptat ca această problemă să fie acoperită de raportul MCV. „Procedura nominalizării procurorului general şi al procurorului-şef al DNA va fi de asemenea menţionată în raport. Nu vom comenta asupra numelor înaintate, ci procedura”, a spus Gray.
Conflictul din CSM este centrat în jurul nou alesului președinte Oana Schmidt Hăineală, a cărei demisie de onoare a fost cerută iar, marți, de către secția de judecători din consiliu. Aceasta a refuzat posibilitatea unei demisii și a spus că nu are nici cea mai mică intenție să renunțe la funcția de președinte al CSM. În privința desemnării noilor șefi de la ÎCCJ și DNA, ministrul Mona Pivniceru i-a nominalizat pe Niţu Tiberiu Mihail și Irimie Ioan, chiar dacă aceștia au primit aviz negativ din partea CSM.
Raportul MCV este esențial pentru România, putând să influențeze decisiv aderarea la spațiul Schengen și accesul țării la fondurile europene.
..jos labele de pe justitie,demiterea lui pivniceru care este omul lui voiculescu si nastase,nu ne mai prostiti,stim ca pivniceru este pusa acolo tocmai pentru a discredita justitia…cerem arestarea penalilor ,iar cei care au dosare sa stea mai la fundul politicii …dar ce le poti cere unor lichele ,smecherasi din guvern sau parlament ? ……DOMNILOR PUTIN SIMT ….ca in rest aveti numai apucaturi de mafioti si borfasi.
Foarte bine, cineva trebuie sa-si bage mintile in cap!
We, the civil society in Romania, wish to make available for the international community and official bodies the following:
For a powerful S.C.M., for an independent Judiciary, for the country’s future
Addressed to: Free people of Romania, supporters of the Rule of Law
Towards the recent developments within the Superior Council of Magistracy, we understand to express the following standpoint:
The public appreciates the efforts made by the Romanian magistrates (judges and prosecutors) over the justice reforms pursued starting with 2004-2005, the period in which the judiciary was effectively separated from the political, and the system has acquired the capacity for self-government, in accordance with Romania’s revised Constitution and the European commitments of Romania.
The citizens have noted the remarkable results of the judiciary, resulting in decisions of severe punishment of those who have violated the law: convictions of the guilty politicians and the favourable reports of the European bodies are the best clues. Both the prosecutors and the judges have contributed to these results. The fact that the law has been applied firmly, without further taking account of political influence and the possible pressures exerted publicly or in secret, according to the principle of equality before it, has strengthened the public confidence in the Romanian Justice.
The signatories welcome the activity of the Superior Council of Magistracy starting with the year 2011, when young magistrates were elected to defend the independence of the judiciary. In particular, we welcome the reactions of SCM in the summer of 2012, when due to the steadiness proved in defending the independence of the judiciary, were blocked the political undertakings affecting the Rule of Law.
Therefore, the recent events that occurred within the SCM on the occasion of electing a new leadership concern us: we expect from the SCM and especially from those magistrates who have run on a „reformist” platform to demonstrate unity and not to enter the play of the Minister of Justice.
The artificial separation of the members into two sides and the media lynching of those judges who voted differently than others can feed the declared intentions to amend the status of magistrates. The public positions expressed in this regard by some judges who have criticized the vote of the majority of the SCM members for electing the leadership do not comply with the general interests of SCM and can only serve the interests of the Minister of Justice: the attack against some colleagues who voted differently is a political attack, undignified for judges who have considered themselves until recently as „reformists”.
The people want independent prosecutors and judges that are protected by a single body, the SCM. Only thus, we can have the guarantee of fair trials, apart from any political bias. The people wish that the vanity of some members who voted differently than the majority does not affect the SCM activity and is not an opportunity for disunion within SCM.
We expect from SCM a position of fair and constant intervention in the public space. Through the appearances in the media over the past year of some SCM members such as the judge Cristi Danileţ, the people could understand the importance of separation of the powers for the functioning of the Rule of Law. Therefore, we expect from the other members of the SCM to support his efforts, to dissuade any attempt of intimidation by means of media, to ponder seriously upon the disunion attempts coming from the Ministry of Justice and certain magistrates with known political views, not to treat superficially the act of revoking certain SCM members, all of which facts are by no means appropriate, especially since it’s the case of members who have bravely and consistently supported the independence of the Judiciary.
We believe that Judiciary as a system needs unity now more than ever, and any disagreements should be resolved internally. The Judiciary has evolved greatly over the last 8 years, and we hope, irreversibly. On its further developments and on the judicial officials’ behaviour depends, perhaps, the democratic future of Romania.
Therefore, we sign for a united SCM, without political passions, without artificial separation between judges and prosecutors, and especially to support the efforts of Judge Cristi Danileţ towards the intimidation attempts he is subjected to.
Foarte bine!
Totul se plateste, din pacate tot noi, astia multi, platim, nu ei!
lor le merge dupa plan. Pasul urmator : scoaterea Romaniei din UE in/cu complezenta muta a celor care nu merg la vot.
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